Friday, May 29, 2009

Across the Pond

Our summer adventure began with a stop in London. After meeting Brittni at Heathrow and minding the gap on the tube we checked into our hostel and off we went.  After dropping off our luggage, we were off to Trafalgar Square where we took multiple photoshoots by lions, fountain, and statues oh my and some shopping on the side. And don't worry we found multiple coffee shops on the way to keep us awake the whole day. Tuesday we woke up bright and early and  planned for a quick ride on the tube, but it was closed due to the dead body found.....hahaha so instead a couple buses. We hit up the British museum, tower of London (saw the jewels and King Henry VII's armor!), and saw Wicked complete with British accents. Next day we went on the Aggie owned and operated Fat Bike tours, which included cute tour guys (one an Aggie!! WHOOP! BowWowChickaBowWowChickaBowWow) and Kensington Palace, Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace, Prince Albert statue, Prince Charles's Pad, Princess Diana memorial, Parliament, Westiminster Abbey, James Bond's birthplace, the site of the London Olympics,  and basically the whole city. And to top if off we wearing really cute clear rain ponchos and it rained the entire time. But it was awesome and we loved every minute of it, sign us up for Paris!! After drying off and finally getting some food, cause we forgot money on the tour, (oops...haha) we went to Harrods and the London Eye, which is the biggest ferris wheel in the world and we could see 20 miles each direction of London!! BEAUTIFUL!! The next day we went on a tour around London with AIFS then explored the Westminister Abbey, Kennsington Palace and the rose gardens of Hyde Park. We dined at the Texas Embassy (twice) hahaha snacking on chips and salsa and margaritas!! We also got great and cheap seats that night to the Phantom of the Opera, which was outstanding!! London overall was awesome and now we our on way to Italy!! CIAO!! 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!!!! Don't forget to buy me a present :) I hope yall are all having a lot of fun!
