Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Roman Holiday

For our first weekend in Italia we decided to venture to Rome aka where the Olympics took place and the capital. Friday afternoon we headed out of Firenze via Eurostar which was basically the best idea ever. First of all the train was really nice, comfortable chairs, and  about 5 times as much space as an airplane. So needless to say that we are sold on traveling by train, completely worth it. That night we scoped out some of the city including the very popular Trevi Fountain where we found an amazing gelato place...that had flavors like nutella and cream. Wonderful. That night we came home to a great hostel minus the poop smell that engulfed our room. It would not leave even with two bottles of air fresher provided. Vanilla and Lemon just weren't cutting it. Saturday morning we got an early start to our huge tourist day in Rome. Basically Rome in a day. Started off at the Vatican, Vatican Museum, the Sistene Chapel, and who could forget the climb up the Vatican (535 steps) to an amazing 360' view of all of Rome. Then we went to Castle de San Angelo then a quick lunch at this authentic* Italian pizza place where they folded it in half. A-Mazing. Next was Piazza Nevona with the fountains, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain again this time with pennies, Roman Forum, The Colosseum. So basically after the Colosseum we were hungry and our feet hurt so of course next had to be candy and dinner. As we were site seeing around Rome we noticed a lot of people taking pictures by different monuments by Dan Brown's book Angels and Demons. We had heard that the film took place in Rome so when in Rome, go see Angels & Demons in English. hahaha So that night we had awesome popcorn and watched Tom Hanks grace the screen in English in Italy. It was so cool to see all the places that we had been in the movie!! That night we were so tired and had another day ahead of us. The next day we had a more leisurely morning at only the best, McDonalds. The Spanish Steps, some shopping, and lunch and bicycle riding through the Villa Borghese consumed our afternoon. And then it was time to head back to our wonderful town of Firenze. We explored the Rome train station thoroughly realizing that is was basically a mall (haha) and then boarded the train back. Rome was a lot of fun and totally worth it! And basically we concluded that we could write a travel guide about how to do Rome in a day. 

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