Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Siena and Bologna

Florence is pretty small so we had some extra time on our hands.  So...we decided to mark Wednesdays as our travel for the afternoon day.  On our second week here, we decided to go to Siena.  We hopped on a bus and off we went.  Siena was gorgeous!!  Of course the main reason we went was because of these yummy almond paste cookies.  So the first thing on our list was to find Nannini and eat some of their famous cookies.  After that we visited sites like this tower thingy, the Duomo, and some little shops.  It was a quick trip, but very worth it!!  Last week, we went to Bologna.  I LOVED IT!!  It was small, but fun, young, and well worth the expensive train ticket.  When we arrived in Bologna it was raining, but of course that didn't stop us from shopping!!  After buying some needed items, we went to see the Piazza Maggiore and the old university and its famous anatomy room (it was cool!!).  Then we headed down the road to see the leaning towers and the University of Bologna.  It was very cool!!  The school was in several different buildings down a long long street.  After looking at all of the famous sites, we had to eat some famous Bologna Tortellini.  We went to dinner and ate Tortellinni with Bologenese sauce and it was scrum diddley umptious!!  It was the best pasta I have ever had!!  Overall, these two cities were incredible and I will definitely go back soon!!

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